Monday, January 19, 2015

Rob's alive! (Make-up post!)

Shortly after posting my two week success story, I promptly came down with the "ick" that left me unmotivated to do anything other than watch "The A-Team" on Netflix.

So, here is what I would have posted on 16th-18th had I not been an official plague carrier...

Jan 16th:

This is knock-off Gerber Clutch (or maybe the real thing, I don't remember) I got on my big multi-tool kick a few years back. Great little tool, especially the pliers that butterfly out, however, I've nearly killed myself a few times with the blade.

There's some issue that the blade is too loose or the metal structure is woo weak, whichever, the blade will pivot right and left if you put any pressure on the knife. This, in-turn, causes the entire knife to flip one way or the other and you to nearly stab yourself.

I'll miss not having the pliers, but I enjoy my blood circulating inside my unpunctured skin a little tool much to carry this.

Fate: Trash

Jan 17th:

Yep, this is a ~18" piece of aluminium channel for a failed project. The only purpose it has served in the last 4 years is to remind me of said failed project.

That and to be waived about like sword while I clean the garage.

Fate: Recycled

Jan 18th:

Lastly, one complete set of door knobs and dead bolts, left-overs of re-placing all the knobs on the house so I only have to have 1 house key (as opposed to 3. Yes, 3.)

I've been telling my self that someone probably could use them, but since it's been 6 months and it's not moved from the workbench...

Fate: Recycled

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