Friday, January 2, 2015

January 2nd

Today's tribute to the Goodwill gods is this lovely pair of green witch slippers.  These are actually tough for me to part with because, in theory, they possess all the features I look for in an article of clothing.  They are super-soft, green, somewhat silly and Halloween affiliated.

Unfortunately, they just never seem to make the cut when I am looking for something comfortable to put on my feet.  You might think it is because I consider them a seasonal item, but that's not the case. I have soft pair of Christmas socks that I wear year round. I think the real drawback to these is that they have the little strap that you have to button, and I am too lazy to do that when I am tired.  Also, they do not offer full foot coverage which is much needed when my feet are cold.  For these reasons, the witch slippers are being voted off the island today.  Hopefully, they will find a good home with somebody who can appreciate them more.

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