Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Rob's Pick for 1/13

(Okay, it's not a picture that I took, but by the time I remembered to grab a pic, I'd already sealed the box.)

"The Icarus Hunt" was a decent book, I'd give it about 5 of 10. I knew the author from his work on the Expanded Star Wars Universe (or what every Disney is calling it these days) but I think my joy from those works stemmed from my love of Star Wars more so than Tim.

The real reason that this book was so hard to part with was that it was gift. I've struggled with this over and over: holding on to items not because I like them or they bring me joy, but because they were given to me. Even if I know the gift-er does even remember doing so (such as in this case).

So, this book goes to AZ where someone who hopefully enjoy's Tim Zahn's work for its own merit will have it and I talk another step to being able to let go of stuff I really don't need.

Fate: eBay

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