Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Rules

So, you want to join in with the fun, eh? What are the rules?

Make them up yourself! The rules are not nearly as important as consistently working towards a goal. Figure out for yourself what the rules should be that will help you stay motivated towards the goal.

That being said, here are the rules my wife and I set out for ourselves to follow. Feel free to steal from, modify or use as a guide for your own Projectrama!

  • At least 1 Item per day, everyday, must be gotten rid of in 2015 
  • You can stockpile items (as long as the piles are neat!), but only 1 per day count (you can't get rid of 30 books one day and be set of a month)
  • You can start late, but must run into 2016 to "make up" (Start on Jan 3rd 2015 and end on Jan 3th 2016)
  • For things being trashed, recycled or donated, it counts the day you put the item in the trash can, recycle bin donation pile.
  • For things given to others or sold, it counts on the day the item leaves the house
  • You cannot get rid of an item by giving it to someone else in the house (eg: I can't give an item to my infant son. The point is to declutter, not kick the can)
  • The item must have been in the residence longer than 3 months to count

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