Thursday, January 1, 2015

Inaugural Post!

Welcome to the Projectrama 2015 Blog!

Last year (2014) the challenge was to read all 15 books of the Wheel of Time series (about 4.4 million words). Back in 2012 the challenge was to find a Geocache every single day of the year. I enjoyed slowly working towards these goals over the course of the year and finally getting that moment of triumph of accomplishing a hard to reach goal.

This year's Projectrama was suggested by my wife: get rid of 1 item a day. It doesn't matter how, ebay them, donate to Goodwill, pass them off to friends, trash recycle them, whatever.

If this sounds like something you'd like to join in, GREAT! If you want to post the things you are getting rid, shoot me an email and you can become an official contributor to this blog!

If you rather come up with some other project, that's fine too! I'd love to hear about what other insane activities people are trying to accomplish! I urge you to find something that you've been putting off and get it done in 2015. Tell your friends too, I was surprised how much support I received when I told people I was trying to fine a Geocache a day (I got a lot of strange looks, granted, but also a huge amount of support)!

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