Thursday, April 30, 2015

Rob's pick for 4/30

Yet another video game I no longer play.
The main reason for this one is it had an extensive creation system that I wanted to use and host adventures online for my friends. I never really managed that, and there are now newer (and free!) tools to do just this.

Fate: Goodwill

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Rob's pick for 4/29

I know, I know, "How many belts does this guy have"?!

One fewer. :)

Fate: Goodwill

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Rob's pick for 4/28

One bag of Megablocks.

This is a bit of a cheat as I usually just trash them. They have survived in my closet for far longer than any other Megablocks. So I grant them a reprieve...

Fate: Goodwill

Rob's pick for 4/27

Go Pack!

I know I keep saying that I'm getting rid of some of my last XL sized shirts, but this may actually be kinda close to the end.

I think this guy has been around since high school. Yeah. That long.

The story as it were, is that my uncle, ignorant of southern sports rivalries, got me a UNC sweatshirt as a graduation gift. My grandmother stopped me from burning it by offering to trade me a Wolfpack shirt for it.

What a deal!

Anyway, this shirt has survived nearly 20 years of use, it is time for it to be retired.

Fate: Trash

April 27th and 28th

I'm saying goodbye to two more pairs of shoes that just aren't getting it done for me.  There are few things more important in life than happy feet.

April 23 - 30 - Linda's pick

closet cleaning out!  Headed to DRM!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Rob's pick for 4/26

A couple of jewelry fasteners I got went I was making something for Tina. The on the left is unused, the one on the right has about 3-4 months of wear. Yeah, I replaced it with a higher quality fastener pretty quickly.

Fate: Trash

Sunday, April 26, 2015

April 26th

Seriously, does anyone use dictionaries anymore?  My pocket dictionary is now a cell phone. Besides, at age 38, I have learned to spell all the words I am ever going to need to know how to spell. The only possible reason to keep this around would be the possibility that Dax might need to do a history project on ancient cultural artifacts someday.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

April 25th

This is a big one for me because it definitely falls under the category of sentimental clutter.  Pictured below are the white sandals that I wore at my wedding.  Unfortunately, the ONLY reason I have been hanging onto them is because I wore them when I got married.  They are not particularly comfortable, and I never have occasion to wear white sandals.  I'm not going to put them in a display case or pass them down to some future daughter or cross-dressing son, so getting rid of them is really the only logical action.

Besides, if I ever get married again, my understanding is that I should wear some color other than white.

April 19th-24th

For those of you who may have thought I gave up on this endeavor, that's not the case.  I've just gotten a bit behind on my posting.  Starting daycare = sick baby = sick parents = nothing gets done that doesn't absolutely have to be done because we collapse into bed as soon as we can get the baby to sleep knowing that he will soon wake up coughing. :(  

Needless to say, it has been a rough week, so I don't have much to say about these items other than they will be leaving my house.

Rob's pick for 4/25

This is hard thing to get rid of, I wanted "glacier glasses" since a big Stargate a few years back.

They seemed like a perfect thing for someone that is pretty sensitive to bright sunlight: large lenses that cover most of the eyes and side guards to block out light from the side.

The problems started the minute I tried to drive with them: the side guards block light, but they also kill my peripheral vision making it hard to check my blind spot. I found that the guards were remove-able, but then I was spending time taking them off and and putting them back on and given mostly I was looking for something to wear while driving, this act started to quickly chaff.

Then one of the layers of protective coating started to peel from the lenses creating blurry spots. I read the cleaning directions several times but nothing there indicated I did anything wrong with cleaning, I figure I just got a bad pair.

Anyway, I found myself using my backup pair of $10 Target shades all the time. I guess I'm just a cheap sunglasses kind of guy.

Fate: trash

Friday, April 24, 2015

Rob's pick for 4/24

One slightly worn (okay, heavily worn) blue shirt.

Probably closer to a blue rag with armholes, no idea why I still have it.

Fate: trash

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Rob's pick for 4/23

Alright kids, gather 'round. I want to tell you about a time before smartphones.

After, Dax, it was after the dinosaurs. Now be quiet and let me tell you the story.

Back then, you had to buy your mp3 player separately, they didn't come with your phone, or your watch or as the prize in the bottom of your cereal box.

And they were expensive! A few hundred dollars each. No! Really! And you could only store a few songs on them.

No, not "a few thousand", Dax. A few, like 25-50. Tops. I'm not talk albums either. 25-50 songs total.

What's that Dax? "What's an album?" Ug, never mind that. Just listen to the story.

So your dad wanted one of these newfangled mp3 players. Specifically the MuVo NX from Creative Labs. Ah, it was a sight, ran on a single AA battery, had 256 megabytes of storage and an FM radio receiver, all in a tiny package. Everyone wanted an iPod, but your dad only had eyes for the MuVo.

iPod. No, not a iPod Touch. Before those.

No, not a Nano, this was before that too.

NO! Look, the first iPod. It had a hard drive in it! The size of my hand. NO! It didn't do anything else! NO! The MuVo didn't do anything else either!

Alright, just forget it. Go play with your robots. Man, kids these day, no respect.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Rob's pick for 4/22

More video games!

This is an expansion to Rome Total War (which is ditched 2 weeks ago). Same story: I love the game, but I have another copy of it and don't need the physical media (which I would have to scour online to find the patches for to play anyway).

Fate: Goodwill

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Rob's pick for 4/21

I picked up a copy for a game design class (that I did rather poorly in).

There are better development platform out these days if I ever want to get into this....

Fate: Goodwill

Monday, April 20, 2015

Rob's pick for 4/20

One pair of shoes I'd forgotten I had, mainly because they are too big and I shoved them into the back of the closet.

Fate: Goodwill

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Rob's pick for 4/19

One (cool) but somewhat pointless bag for some electronics I no longer have.

Even when I had the headphones that came in this bag, I rarely used this for storage.

Fate: Trash

Saturday, April 18, 2015

April 17th and 18th

Anyone who has a plastic tub in the attic to store extra socks probably has too many socks.  In my defense, it has kind of become my holiday sock storage area since I generally only wear those pairs once a year, but it still seems kind of ridiculous.  For this reason, I am downsizing my sock collection.

The first pair has a very disgruntled-looking goldfish on them in a small bowl.  The caption reads "This stinks".  I bought them to convey my feelings about one of my many glamorous jobs.

The second pair are Valentine's Day socks that have evidently never been worn, since they still have the tag on them.  I'm not much of a romantic, so I generally don't get too worked up about Valentine's Day.  Perhaps, that is simply a defense mechanism from having been single for so long, but I honestly think I enjoyed the holiday more when I would just go out and get drunk and morbid with all the other single folk.  If they were Singles Awareness Day socks, I might actually keep them.

Rob's pick for 4/18

This the keepsake from the Ninja Run I did a few years back.

A Ninja Run is a 5K mixed with an obstacle course, which is great for me because it breaks up the running into manageable chunks and some of the obstacle were a lot of fun! (I still cannot believe that I scaled a 10-12 foot wall!)

Anyway, it was one of the first 5K and I thought the headband was a cool reminder. And then it sat in my cube for 3 years, and I began to wonder why I was keeping a sweat and grime stained strip of fabric to remind myself of the race. I have the memories, and the pictures, I really don't need an object of questionable sanitary value lingering to remind me.

Fate: Trash (with full honors)

Friday, April 17, 2015

Rob's pick for 4/17

A doohickey.

You know, a whatchamacallit.


Okay, I don't know *what* it is. I think is part of the office chair that use to be in this cube, but since that has be replaced, no need keeping this around.

Fate: Trash

Rob's pick for 4/16

One blue cap that I suspect came form an epic prank my friends pull on me while I was out of the office on leave after my son was born.

The prank involve decorating my cube by filling it with blue balloons, crape paper, handmade tribbles, balloon animals, building blocks, etc...

I think I'm still cleaning up...

Fate: Goodwill

Rob's pick for 4/15

One pair of 3D glasses from the utterly forgettable last of the Hobbit moves. Pete! What were you thinking?!

They've been sitting on my desk since December and I'm not even sure how they got here.

Fate: Trash

Rob's pick for 4/14

One NC State lanyard. Which is cool because GO PACK!!!

However I do not wear lanyards.

Fate: trash

Rob's pick for 4/13

A pair of wireless antenna that I borrowed from the Lead Wireless guy at Duke for a project....6 or 6 years ago.

The project is dead, I've move teams (thrice!) he's left Duke. Why are they still in my possession?

Fate: Returned to the Network Group with an apology

Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 13th-16th

Here are four very old and stale items that are going in the trash.  I am pretty sure that I would be headed to the dentist with a broken tooth if I tried to bite into any of them.  I do hope that sometime in the next couple years I will have a need to replace them.  I would really like to get back to distance running at some point, but time has not been on my side recently.