Saturday, April 18, 2015

Rob's pick for 4/18

This the keepsake from the Ninja Run I did a few years back.

A Ninja Run is a 5K mixed with an obstacle course, which is great for me because it breaks up the running into manageable chunks and some of the obstacle were a lot of fun! (I still cannot believe that I scaled a 10-12 foot wall!)

Anyway, it was one of the first 5K and I thought the headband was a cool reminder. And then it sat in my cube for 3 years, and I began to wonder why I was keeping a sweat and grime stained strip of fabric to remind myself of the race. I have the memories, and the pictures, I really don't need an object of questionable sanitary value lingering to remind me.

Fate: Trash (with full honors)

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