Saturday, April 25, 2015

Rob's pick for 4/25

This is hard thing to get rid of, I wanted "glacier glasses" since a big Stargate a few years back.

They seemed like a perfect thing for someone that is pretty sensitive to bright sunlight: large lenses that cover most of the eyes and side guards to block out light from the side.

The problems started the minute I tried to drive with them: the side guards block light, but they also kill my peripheral vision making it hard to check my blind spot. I found that the guards were remove-able, but then I was spending time taking them off and and putting them back on and given mostly I was looking for something to wear while driving, this act started to quickly chaff.

Then one of the layers of protective coating started to peel from the lenses creating blurry spots. I read the cleaning directions several times but nothing there indicated I did anything wrong with cleaning, I figure I just got a bad pair.

Anyway, I found myself using my backup pair of $10 Target shades all the time. I guess I'm just a cheap sunglasses kind of guy.

Fate: trash

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