Sunday, April 12, 2015

April 10th-12th (Catch-up Day)

I have a legitimate reason for being a few days behind.  Dax brought home his first plague from daycare, so Rob and I have spent the past several days dealing with the cold from Hell.  Poor little guy sounds like he has been a pack-a-day smoker for 30 years.  Naturally, this means that the whole household is exhausted.

Anyway, here are the three items that are on their way out:

The first two are what we referred to as "strips" in the Barnes & Noble world.  This means that they were books that didn't sell, so we stripped off the covers and mailed them back to the publisher (I think) for credit.  At that point, we were allowed to keep the remainder of the book if we chose to.  I have numerous stripped copies of books that I had the intention of reading, but somehow never got around to it.

The third item is a pair of flip-flops.  Deep down, I have known that I needed to let these go for a while. They are not all that comfortable, and I feel like I am walking very heavily when I wear them.  Still, I have had a hard time giving them up because they were fairly expensive, and they are of good quality so I felt like they would last a long time.  I keep telling myself that if I could just break them in, they would be fine.  Unfortunately, this never seems to happen.

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