Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 30th and 31st

Aaah...a nice reminder of so much money spent on so much education that I'll probably never formally use again.  That being said, I don't really regret any of it too much.  Literature classes were always my favorites.  This may be the only subject that I will be able to help Dax with when he gets to high school.  After all, from what I've seen in the media, the math I learned is no longer the right way to do things, and they are now eliminating planets.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Rob's pick for 3/30

Volume 6 of Samurai Champloo sold on Ebay yesterday!

Interestingly I ended up with doubles of Vol 1-4 and 6 and have been trying to Ebay them off and on for a month. This one finally sold ... I think I'll get a nickel for it.

Ug! I really didn't gauge the shipping correctly.

Fate: ebay

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Rob's pick for 3/29

These fallen warriors have been a great pair of jeans, but they have accumulated too much damage: hole-y knees, ripped-off belt loops, a small but growing hole in the seat...

Past time to put them to rest.

Fate: Trash

March 26 - 29 - Linda's picks

Four jigsaw puzzles headed to DRM!

Rob's pick for 3/28 (Sock Week!)

Today is the end of Sock Week! 


Seven days of sock-based post to spare you from pics of the 16 or so pairs of black socks that I got rid of, not too bad!

At the close, I'd like to challenge you, gentle reader, to go forth and procure a fun pair of socks to wear. 

It can be our little secret that under your work clothes you are sporting socks with capes, or going out to dinner with rainbow stripped socks, or even out with friends rocking some scary monster socks!

There are hundreds of crazy sock design and patterns out there, go to it!

Rob's pick for 3/27 (Sock Week!)

Heeding into the home stretch for Sock Week, where instead posting boring pictures of the socks I'm getting rid of, we celebrate all things socks!

Today we have the book "Fox in Socks" by the great and wonderful Dr. Seuss. The tongue-twisting rhymes of Mr. Fox and his blue socks are enough to keep both Mr Knox and the reader tripping over tongue (and the blue socks, natch)!

If you don't remember this tome, go and grab a copy and read it to kid. Read it to yourself first, you'll need the practice!  

March 24 - 25 - Linda's picks

Two pairs of pj pants.

March 29th

Out goes another costume in a bag.  At his point in my life, I will never be limber enough or stealthy enough to be a ninja.  I proved this to myself when I participated in a Ninja 5k obstacle course a few years back.  I still wonder at the fact that that event didn't end with a trip to the hospital.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

March 27th and 28th

First, a ratty, old sports bra.  This one is going straight to the trash.

Second, it's time to get rid of the Frankenstein Cliffs Notes.  I like the book, so I would actually read it again if needed.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 25th and 26th

These items both come from my box of old costumes.  The first is your typical costume in a bag, executioner outfit.  I think there was an axe associated with this one at some point.

The second one appears to be a dead cat, but it is actually some sort of black boa.

If, or when, I ever dress up for something again, I want some new, fresh ideas, so these items can go.

Rob's pick for 3/26 (Sock Week!)

Instead  of showing boring pictures of all the socks I'm getting rid of, I bring you:
Sock Week!

The sock monkey is an other growth of Depression Era recycling as American crafters turned the popular Rockford Red Heel Socks into stuffed monkeys once they wore out. The "red heel" is what gives the sock monkey its signature mouth.

More reading on the history of Sock Monkey can be found at Wikipedia or by visiting Rockford Illinois for the annual Sock Monkey festival.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Rob's pick for 3/25 (Sock Week!)

Still working through a back log of socks. 
Instead of boring sock pictures, I bring you: Sock Week!

Here we have the logo for the Chicago White Sox circa 1919, or more importantly to baseball fans, the period of the Black Sox trial. The story goes that several members of the White Sox team, tired of being nickel-ed and dime-d by the manager, fixed the result the of the 1919 World Series.

This lead to a trial, several of the top plays of the time being banned, a new hard-line commissioner appointed (one Kenesaw Mountain Landis), tough anti-gambling rules being added, and eventually shaped the entire culture of the sport to the point that Pete Rose is still banned from the Hall of Fame for betting on his own team.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Rob's pick for 3/24 (Sock Week!)

Still working through my stockpile of socks, so instead of boring pictures, I bring you Sock Week Day 2!

Today on Sock Week: Windsock!

You've seen them at airports or at the beach, but did you know there are rules about how they work?

(From Wikipedia)
According to the FFA, a 15-knot (28 km/h; 17 mph) wind will fully extend the properly functioning windsock. A 3-knot (5.6 km/h; 3.5 mph) breeze will cause the properly functioning windsock to orient itself according to the wind.

Canada has even more rules:
Per Transport Canada Standards: a 15 knot wind will fully extend the Wind Sock, a 10 knot wind will cause the wind sock to be 5° below the horizontal, a 6 knot wind will cause the wind sock to be 30° below the horizontal.

I'm not sure who is going to be out there with a protractor and Anemometer (used to measure wind speed) to verify, but eh, it's Canada.

March 24th

I think this is the final purge from my winter collection. Next winter it should be easier to find the hats and gloves I do wear, since I won't have so many to sort through.

Also, I suppose I do have a bit of Spring fever!

Monday, March 23, 2015

March 22nd and 23rd (including overt Archer references)

This glove and scarf set is really cute, but the gloves are far too big for my hands (because, unlike Lana Kane, I don't have man hands), and I'm really not a fan of scarves (because, unlike Cheryl Tunt, I don't enjoy being choked).

March 15 thru 23 - Linda's picks

Nine items:

Rock's pick 3/23 (Sock week!)

I've formally started a campagne on my sock drawer.

While trying to put away my laundry yesterday, I came to realize that I had 36 pairs of black socks. Given I wear 4-5 pair a week and rarely go two weeks without washing, that works out to about 20 pairs too many.

But rather than subjecting you to day after day of socks, I have made two choices:

  1. Group similar pairs of socks together for my item (conveniently this works out to 7)
  2. Use the picture to display something more fun than my socks
So, above is Socks Clinton, the presidential cat of the Clinton administration one of his press conferences. He has a wiki page as well as several fan sites including this ode to him on buzzfeed.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Rob's pick for 3/22

This is a cool little tool. It is combo LED flashlight and screwdriver that breaks down for easy storage.

I think I got for Christmas 3-4 years ago? Never used it.

Fate: Goodwill

Rob's (late) pick for 3/21

Okay, so this addresses a deep-seated issue in my personality: I've never bought, nor been given and iPod.

I found this. In a parking lot. Over a year ago.

I'm quite sure that at the time I was thinking "I wonder if I can get it to turn on and see what music is on it." Maybe with a side of "If there's any personal info on it, I may even be able to return so they can get their music off!".

Dear Rob of a year ago:
You are about to have a child. You will not have time to mess with this. Also, if it is an iPod, all their music is sync'ed through iTunes. Please place that in the trash.

Rob of the present

Fate: Trash

Rob's (late) pick for 3/20

This is an easy one: one cell phone battery charger (for a cell phone battery that I no longer have).

Fate: Trash

Saturday, March 21, 2015

March 21st

I bought this when I was living in Columbus, OH and working at Borders.  Since I haven't managed to read it yet, I probably never will.  It has been in a tub in the attic with lots of other books that I aspire to read or read again someday.  Plus, having Dax has severely cut into my pleasure reading time.

March 20th

This is a cute winter hat, and it actually looks pretty good on me, but I'm generally not much of a hat person.  Hats create too much static in my hair in the winter, so when I take them off, it looks like I stuck a fork in the toaster.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

March 18th and 19th

I'm continuing to purge some old class materials.  I'm honestly not sure how I ended up with the Spark Notes for Madame Bovary because I don't ever recall studying or reading it.  As for the Doing Grammar book, I ain't got no need for it no more.

Rob's pick for 3/19

One prox card for garage access.

In theory, I suppose I should have given back when I stopped needing access to the garage. Instead it has been rattling around in the main console of my Jeep.

It does not work (it actually was never activated!), no one has come for it in over year, no reason to keep it.

Fate: Trash

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Rob's pick for 3/18

This is what happens when you start wearing a lot of cool belt buckles, you end up with a bunch of plain ones that you never use.

And if you are like me, you keep them around because you fancy yourself "crafty" and may have plans for something like this "one day".

And if you are are like Tina, you spend years trying to convince me to get rid of them. In fact, you may create an entire plan around convincing me to make a Projectrama one year be "Getting Rid of One Item a Day" on the off hand chance that I'll finally get rid of that stupid buckle.

Not that that is what happened.

It just could have happened.

Fate: Recycle

March 17th

In celebration of our recent spring weather, I am getting rid of this pair of Isotoner gloves.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with them.  I just have far more pairs of gloves than is necessary for any one adult to have.  I hope someone that shops at the Apex Goodwill will enjoy warmer hands next winter.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Rob's pick for 3/17

One toboggan. Which is an item to wear upon one's head, not something you ride on. Because I'm from North Carolina.

 I know, I promised I'd lay off the winter ware for a bit, but Tina was cleaning out the closet and I felt I needed to help.

For whatever reason, I never really liked this one so not real qualms of getting rid of it. Actually I was kinda excited when I spied it in the pile, the first thought was "That's going to go this week".

Fate: Goodwill

Monday, March 16, 2015

March 16th

This is definitely not the type of book I expect to find myself rereading on the beach someday, so away it goes.

Rob's post for 3/16

This hat is  a tough one for me. It is my staff hat from my last summer working at Camp Tuscarora.

The hat itself is just a beat-up sweet-stained, faded ball cap, but it represents years of going to that camp, first as a camper then as a staff member. Pretty much from the time I was 10 or 11 until 21 I spend some amount of my summer there.

But, I have the memories and I never wear ball caps, so out it goes!

Fate: Trash

Rob's pick for 3/15

I was given this for my cat Zoe when she was a kitten so she would have something soft to curl up with and snuggle while I was away at classes. Yes, classes. Zoe and I have been around for a while.

Anyway, the gifter's intentions were nice,, but they did know at the time that this sweet ball of fluff was going to the grow into the demon-spawned, hell-beast of cat that she is. Which is to say, doesn't do "soft" or "snuggle".

So this poor bear ends up getting packaged up every move, hauled to a new place and stuck on a shelf to wait until the cycle repeats. Going to send it off to Goodwill in the hope it finds a home, maybe with a little more mellow cat.

Fate: Goodwill

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Rob's pick for 3/14

Last of the clothes! Well, for a few days...

I like this sweeter. I just never wear it, mainly be cause not one, but two people have the exact same sweater in the exactly same color.

If we'd just email each other to tell when we were planning to wear it we'd be okay, but that never happens. Usually we just try to dodge each other in the halls all day.

Fate: Goodwill

March 15th

I wore this lovely green and purple tutu in a St. Patty's Day race I did a few years back with my TNT running buddies.  The best part about the tutu was the fun we had making them over at Jennifer Walls's house.  I always thought I may reuse it, but so far that hasn't happened.  I figure that if I ever want one again, I will just make a new one since that was half the fun anyway.  Plus, this one has gotten a little mangled from being crumpled up in my attic.

March 14th

This is a little step that you can install in your shower.  I have a shower stall in my downstairs bathroom, so I thought this would be perfect for leg shaving purposes. The problem is that when I installed it a few years back, the adhesive didn't work very well, and it fell off the wall a few weeks later.  I have never tried to reattach it, so I guess I really don't need it.  When I was pregnant and truly couldn't bend down to shave my legs, I just used the bathroom upstairs.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

March 8 - 14 - Linda's picks

Falling behind, but catching up now! Seven days and seven pairs of Thorlo socks headed to DRM.