Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Rob's pick for 3/24 (Sock Week!)

Still working through my stockpile of socks, so instead of boring pictures, I bring you Sock Week Day 2!

Today on Sock Week: Windsock!

You've seen them at airports or at the beach, but did you know there are rules about how they work?

(From Wikipedia)
According to the FFA, a 15-knot (28 km/h; 17 mph) wind will fully extend the properly functioning windsock. A 3-knot (5.6 km/h; 3.5 mph) breeze will cause the properly functioning windsock to orient itself according to the wind.

Canada has even more rules:
Per Transport Canada Standards: a 15 knot wind will fully extend the Wind Sock, a 10 knot wind will cause the wind sock to be 5° below the horizontal, a 6 knot wind will cause the wind sock to be 30° below the horizontal.

I'm not sure who is going to be out there with a protractor and Anemometer (used to measure wind speed) to verify, but eh, it's Canada.

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