Monday, March 16, 2015

Rob's pick for 3/15

I was given this for my cat Zoe when she was a kitten so she would have something soft to curl up with and snuggle while I was away at classes. Yes, classes. Zoe and I have been around for a while.

Anyway, the gifter's intentions were nice,, but they did know at the time that this sweet ball of fluff was going to the grow into the demon-spawned, hell-beast of cat that she is. Which is to say, doesn't do "soft" or "snuggle".

So this poor bear ends up getting packaged up every move, hauled to a new place and stuck on a shelf to wait until the cycle repeats. Going to send it off to Goodwill in the hope it finds a home, maybe with a little more mellow cat.

Fate: Goodwill

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