Monday, March 2, 2015

Rob's pick for 3/2

Two days in a row without clothes? Is he finally through rummaging through the closet?

No, but I am trying to take a little break :)

This is a strange little mug. I'm not sure who Carolina Commercial Insurance Agency is, nor when I managed to lay hands on one of their coffee mugs.

According to Google, they were incorporated in April of 1995 and dissolved August of 1997, which gives me a kinda small window of 28 months to have acquired it. Granted, during that period I wreaked at least one car and moved out of the parent's house, so there was ample opportunity to need to talk to insurance providers.

Anyway, Tina and I have plenty of funny/sarcastic/profane coffee mugs, I think I can part with this guy.

Fate: Goodwill

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