Monday, March 23, 2015

Rock's pick 3/23 (Sock week!)

I've formally started a campagne on my sock drawer.

While trying to put away my laundry yesterday, I came to realize that I had 36 pairs of black socks. Given I wear 4-5 pair a week and rarely go two weeks without washing, that works out to about 20 pairs too many.

But rather than subjecting you to day after day of socks, I have made two choices:

  1. Group similar pairs of socks together for my item (conveniently this works out to 7)
  2. Use the picture to display something more fun than my socks
So, above is Socks Clinton, the presidential cat of the Clinton administration one of his press conferences. He has a wiki page as well as several fan sites including this ode to him on buzzfeed.

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