Monday, June 15, 2015

Rob's (catch-up) pick for 6/13-14 and 6/15 pick

One large pillow / backrest thing. It has spent far more time in a closets than ever out and in use.
Fate: Goodwill

Dad got me this back in late High School and I've kept it not so much for the advise (which boils down to "put yourself in the other persons place") but because I have trouble getting rid of books.

Fate: Goodwill

One loose tray of assorted stuff left over from a big LEGO sort I did after I required a large bin of LEGO. This is the stuff that were not LEGO or I didn't know what to do with, over time I've eBayed or given away most of the things in this pile that I thought were worth anything. I'm just trashing the rest rather than spinning my wheels trying to find a home for the remainders.

Fate: Trash

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