Monday, June 1, 2015

Rob's pick for 6/1

This one hurts to get rid of. so much so that I may get another before the new move it out.

"Han Shot First" is a battle call to the Star Wars fans that reject Lucas' revisionist efforts of his own work in the late 90's. The original movies was updated with newer audio and visual effects, but Lucas took the opportunity to play with some scenes. The most egregious for fanboys being trying to make Han Solo a bit softer and "kid friendly" by making him shoot a rival in defense rather than preemptively.


Anyway, not to descend into the rant, at least more-so, this shirt beautifully encapsulates the irritation Star Wars fans feel at the Lucas's changes.

And, it is and XL so I never wear it.

Fate: Goodwill

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