Thursday, June 25, 2015

June 22nd-26th

6/22 - This was a little arm band to keep my ipod nano in while I ran. Unfortunately, my ipod was stolen out of my car during a trip to Asheville a few years ago.  

6/23 - Pictured here is a case for my phone.  It's not exactly what I expected it to be, so I don't think I've ever used it.

6/24 - This is my former citrus peeler.  It was given to me by one of my coworkers at Barnes & Noble many, many years ago.  The pointy part is a bit too dull to be effective, and I have since gotten some peelers that work far better.

6/25 and 6/26 - The next two pictures are more running goodies.  These are so old that I would probably be in need of some serious dental work if I attempted to chew on them at this point.  If I ever find the time to get back into distance running, I will have to replenish my supply.

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