Projectrama (formally "Project Insanity") is a yearly activity to pick one long or difficult project to work on throughout the year. This blog focuses on the efforts of a group that are all working on the same project for 2015: de-cluttering by getting rid of one item a day. Anyone that wishes to join can message the admin to post on your item of day!
Monday, June 29, 2015
Rob's pick for 6/29-30
Don't worry, I'm not doing Sock Week again. These pairs just survived the last go round.
I just do not like these socks, mainly the color. They are just too light for outfits I tend to wear. I think they still have the fold lines from the packaging they came in, and I wouldn't be surprised if I've never worn them.
Fate: Goodwill
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Rob's pick for 6/28
No pic!
My phone ate the picture. Bah!
Any way, I'm getting rid of an old Dell LCD monitor. How old? It's a 14" screen with a 4:3 ratio (the more square looking size). I've keep it around for trouble shooting systems, but I have other monitors that do that task.
The point is I have 5 monitors and 1 functional computer. Something had to go.
Fate: trash (electronics disposal)
My phone ate the picture. Bah!
Any way, I'm getting rid of an old Dell LCD monitor. How old? It's a 14" screen with a 4:3 ratio (the more square looking size). I've keep it around for trouble shooting systems, but I have other monitors that do that task.
The point is I have 5 monitors and 1 functional computer. Something had to go.
Fate: trash (electronics disposal)
Rob's pick for 6/26-27
Finally! Stuff I'm getting rid just b/c it is old and need to make room...
Well, the red "GEEK" shirt falls into that category. Vintage a computer show from 2007.
The other one...well, that is a gift from my brother. It is from Hooker Brewing, a company that loves to play on their name. It's ruined at least one sweet family picture fro my mother-in-law. I'd keep it, but alas, it is a XL and that coupled with the STD comment means I just don't wear it much.
Fate: Goodwill
Rob's pick for 6/24-25
I debated if I should post these... they are clean, I swear!
Very cool boxers from my larger days (see? still more clothing that I've be holding onto for years that is way too large for me!)
The Invader Zim pair on the right is particularly hard blow, I loved the show and the waste band reading "DOOM DOOM DOOM..." always made me laugh.
Rob's pick for 6/22-23
A couple of shirts I don't wear any longer because they are too big.
Seriously, the amount of clothing that I have laying around that is too large for me is scary. I thought I'd gotten rid of most of it a long time ago, but this at least the tenth post that I've gotten rid of something bc of the size.
Fate: Goodwill
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Thursday, June 25, 2015
June 22nd-26th
6/22 - This was a little arm band to keep my ipod nano in while I ran. Unfortunately, my ipod was stolen out of my car during a trip to Asheville a few years ago.
6/23 - Pictured here is a case for my phone. It's not exactly what I expected it to be, so I don't think I've ever used it.
6/24 - This is my former citrus peeler. It was given to me by one of my coworkers at Barnes & Noble many, many years ago. The pointy part is a bit too dull to be effective, and I have since gotten some peelers that work far better.
6/25 and 6/26 - The next two pictures are more running goodies. These are so old that I would probably be in need of some serious dental work if I attempted to chew on them at this point. If I ever find the time to get back into distance running, I will have to replenish my supply.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
June 19th-21st
The first item is a little metal Easter bucket. Until recently, it was storing some of Robert's sewing materials; however, we did a little organizing so the sewing materials have a more permanent home, and the Easter bucket no longer serves a purpose.
The next two items are part of a box of outdated running gear I came across. The watch has been replaced by a GPS watch. The little pouch affixes to your shoe to hold keys or an ID, but I never really found it useful.
Rob's pick for 6/21
I loved these Converse All Stars, but they've gone an entire year without any wear. Time to let them go.
Fate: trash
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
June 18th
I'm actually a few hours early on my post for once! This cookie jar is very cute, but he takes up too much space, and, as a middle-aged woman, I have no business filling any container with readily accessible cookies.
Rob's picks for 6/17-20
Here are the rest of the old Staff shirts from my years working at Camp Tuscarora.
Again, they are thread bare, frayed and stained. The only thing that has keep them around (hidden in a deep dark corner so Tina wouldn't find them) is my own sentimentally.
Truly some great times and fantastic memories I have from working there, I probably do not need the shirts.

I'm going to lump them all into a single post and count it as the next 4 days rather than posting one a day and trying to expound more on getting rid of them.
Fate: Trash
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