Projectrama (formally "Project Insanity") is a yearly activity to pick one long or difficult project to work on throughout the year. This blog focuses on the efforts of a group that are all working on the same project for 2015: de-cluttering by getting rid of one item a day. Anyone that wishes to join can message the admin to post on your item of day!
Saturday, February 28, 2015
February 28th
I always hate giving up a T-shirt. It's like saying goodbye to an old friend. Unfortunately, when all my clothes are clean, my drawers will barely close.
February 26th and 27th
All the work I've been doing at work is really getting me behind on my postings. Such a bummer. In any case, here are a couple catch up posts:
First, I have part two of getting rid of my Easter hand towels.
Second, I picked up this pen, and it was too dry to write with, so instead of throwing it back in the drawer like I normally would, I actually threw it away. This will save me the frustration of picking it up again only to learn that it doesn't write.
First, I have part two of getting rid of my Easter hand towels.
Second, I picked up this pen, and it was too dry to write with, so instead of throwing it back in the drawer like I normally would, I actually threw it away. This will save me the frustration of picking it up again only to learn that it doesn't write.
Rob's pick for 2/28
Another shirt? How many does this guy have?
A little over a drawer full, which is the entire reason I'm doing this right? Too much stuff I don't use or have only because I've not gotten around to getting rid of it.
This is actually a preemptive strike: I'm getting rid of this before I end up storing it somewhere and never using it. (Yes, this is technically against the rules as they were laid out, but I feel justified in doing this, which is the overriding rule :))
I got this on the most recent Krispy Kreame Doughnut run as a free-be. However, I need more shirts like I need a hole in the head, so sending this directly to Goodwill. Not Passing Go. Not spending time hanging out in my over capacity drawers.
Fate: Goodwill
Rob's Pick for 2/27
Every time I think I've gotten rid of all my clothes from my fat days (or fatter days) I dig something else outta my closet or drawers.
This is a plain, dark blue t-shirt that I never wear because it looks huge on me. Passing it on to Goodwill for someone else.
Fate: Goodwill
Friday, February 27, 2015
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Rob's pick for 2/26
One sack of nuts.
And bolts. Nuts and bolts. One sack.
Why do I have these? No idea.
Where did they come from? No idea.
What to do with them? No idea.
Tentatively going to slate them for recycling via the metal drop bin at the Wake County dump. If anyone wants/needs a sack of nuts, let me know and you can have mine.
Fate: Recycle?
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
February 24th & 25th
It has been a bit of a crazy week, so I am doing a double post tonight to catch up.
First, I am letting go of this lovely pair of black socks. They are threadbare to the point of almost having holes. I am feeling the financial squeeze of having a child, but I am not prepared to start mending socks just yet.
Second, I am getting rid of this Easter hand towel. It's cute, and I hope someone will appreciate it. I just don't go to the trouble of decorating for every holiday. It's not my thing.
First, I am letting go of this lovely pair of black socks. They are threadbare to the point of almost having holes. I am feeling the financial squeeze of having a child, but I am not prepared to start mending socks just yet.
Second, I am getting rid of this Easter hand towel. It's cute, and I hope someone will appreciate it. I just don't go to the trouble of decorating for every holiday. It's not my thing.
Rob's pick for 2/25
So, a long time ago I had a ferret named 'AC'.
That was short for 'auto cannon' which he strove to match the device's rate of fire with he pooping.
Yeah. I no longer have a ferret. not any desire for a ferret.
Somewhere is my ferret owner days however, I received this ferret Beanie Baby. I really do not need a reminder of why I do not own a ferret, I think I can let this go.
Fate: Goodwill
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
February 24 - Linda's pick
This is the first in a series of scarves that will be donated to the Durham Rescue Mission. I keep thinking scarves are for me but then I decide they are not.
Rob's pick for 2/24
Can you tell I raided the kitchen recently?
I think I got this pitcher when I moved out of the folks house and it has been tagging along with me ever since.
Ah, many mixed drinks were concocted during the B&N years in this thing. Memories...
Still, since Tina I became an item and mingled our possessions, it (like a lot of my stuff) has been regulated to the "B" leagues. Mostly it sits in the back of the pantry with the rest of the pitchers we barely use taking up space.
So, off to Goodwill it goes! Maybe some other young, just-moved-out and needing-something-to-make-batches-of-Long-Islands-in person is out there looking...
Fate: Goodwill
Rob's (late) Pick for 2/23
This is one of five kitchen thermometers we have.
I'll let that sink in for a second.
We could cook a folk of turkeys for Thanksgiving and be covered.
Or designate one per meat. The larger round one for turkey, the smaller round for chicken, beef obviously goes with the one that has a small cow on it, the digital one .... lamb? Do we even cook lamb?
Fate: Goodwill
Monday, February 23, 2015
February 23 - Linda's pick
Today's pick is a travel jewelry case. It was a gift, but I just don't take that much jewelry with me when I travel, so it is off to DRM.
February 23rd
These are some recipe cards that came with some home delivery meals my mom and Steve were receiving. They were going to be out of town one weekend, so they passed along the ingredients and recipes to Rob and me. I actually made two of the three, and they were quite good, but I somehow doubt that I will use them again.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
February 22nd
The only Campbell's Soup recipes I can handle right now have three steps:
1. Open can
2. Pour into pot
3. Heat
Maybe in another time and place, this cookbook would work for me, but, for now, I am just trying to keep it simple.
1. Open can
2. Pour into pot
3. Heat
Maybe in another time and place, this cookbook would work for me, but, for now, I am just trying to keep it simple.
February 22 - Linda's pick
Today's pick is a small jewelry box I got "free" with purchases at the Brighton Store in the Louisville airport. I just don't use it so off it goes to DRM.
Rob's Pick for 2/22
One plastic pint glass.
We have plenty of nice, glass pint glasses. An entire shelf full of them in fact! It is pretty much all we drink from (though that sounds like an admission to a larger issue). We really do not need the more flimsy plastic versions also cluttering up the cabinets.
Fate: Recycle
We have plenty of nice, glass pint glasses. An entire shelf full of them in fact! It is pretty much all we drink from (though that sounds like an admission to a larger issue). We really do not need the more flimsy plastic versions also cluttering up the cabinets.
Fate: Recycle
Saturday, February 21, 2015
February 21st
I am happy to report that today's give-away is a sweater that is too big for me. I have held onto it for years, because I really liked it at one point. I thought about wearing it to work the other day, but when I put it on, it just looked frumpy and misshapen. This time, rather than putting it back in my closet, I am sending it to Goodwill.
Rob's Pick for 2/21
I've grown to enjoy socks with fun patterns. I even have a soft spot in my heart for argyle. Just this pair of socks have never done it for me. I think I've worn them two or three times in the last few years. If I'm not going to wear them, no real reason to keep them.
Fate: Goodwill
Friday, February 20, 2015
February 20th
Here's another cookbook for today. I love Halloween, but I probably don't need a whole recipe book for one day of the year. I can barely be bothered to get my Halloween socks out to wear, let alone cook something.
February 19 - Linda's pick
We got this frame because we had a sweet kitty named Boo. Boo died in December 2013 and now I am ready to let this frame go.
Rob's Pick for 2/20
This is tool case that came with all sorts of cool tools for working on computers.
The problem is that over time the tools have broken, been lost, or moved to other containers. The remaining tools inside are there because I never touched them (so there was no chance to break, be lost, or used enough to be moved to a more accessible container).
I really do not need a random case containing a few never uses tools and part cluttering up my desk.
Fate: Trash
Rob's Pick for 2/19
This is a really nice pair of gloves that are super soft, warm and just the littlest bit too short through the fingers.
It is amazing what I will put up with out of pure laziness. I wore these gloves through three winters, constantly irritated that they nearly fit but not enough to replace them. Even after I got replacements that fit much better, these lived on in our "bucket of winter-ware", laying in wait for the days I grabbed them by mistake.
Fate: Goodwill
Thursday, February 19, 2015
February 19th
I'm going to start following in my mom's footsteps and start purging some cookbooks. It's tough to do because a lot of my cookbooks were gifts or hand-me-downs. However, I don't really have the storage space for them, and I generally turn to the interenet when I want to find a recipe. It's a lot easier to search, and I can put the word "easy" in front of any recipe and find something.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Rob's makeup post for 2/16 and 2/17

Making up for the previous two days that I missed due to the latest round of the plague.
I decided to do a pair of t-shirts (more t-shirts?) in a continued effort to get my dresser under control.
The green one is one of the last vestiges of "fat clothes" from the period of my life I needed XLs. I try to not wear it because it is big enough that it just looks bad on me.
The orange one is from the Patrol Stroll 5K I did a few years ago (and posted my current best time!)
I just don't have space for all the plain shirt from races I've attended. (hint-hint, do athletic shirts race organizers!)
Fate: Goodwill
February 17th
I fell a day behind. My excuse is that my blog took a snow day. The truth is that due to the snow, I was at home watching the baby, so I didn't have time to write this up at work (during my lunch hour, of course) as I normally would.
Anyway, I am getting back on track today. These came with one of those baby registry kits from either Target or Buy Buy Baby. The time when I might have any use for nursing pads has come and gone, so they are going in trash. Don't worry, the package assures me they are disposable.
Anyway, I am getting back on track today. These came with one of those baby registry kits from either Target or Buy Buy Baby. The time when I might have any use for nursing pads has come and gone, so they are going in trash. Don't worry, the package assures me they are disposable.
Rob's pick for 2/18
This is a wall hanging my grandmother either bought, or more likely knowing her, made me.
It doesn't really 'go' with the robot theme of my son's room (though just you wait, in 5 years I'll be re-doing it in a western motif) and there's really no where else for it in the house.
Packing it up to send to Goodwill in hopes that someone else will find it for their kids, western room makeover.
Fate: Goodwill
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Monday, February 16, 2015
February 16th
Today's item is a sad one for me. I had to have my cat, Charlie, put to sleep a few weeks ago, and I finally decided to clean out the area where I kept all of her stuff. This little basket contained all of her favorite kitty toys. She was a bit of an old curmudgeon and hadn't played with most of them recently, but every now and then, I would be surprised to find one half way across the room. I could probably re-purpose the basket for something, but I would really rather not. Most of the toys went in the trash as well. I prefer to remember Charlie through pictures and stories.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
February 15th
I'm trying to clear out the little odds and ends that seem to accumulate in my various "junk" drawers, so I if roll this and it is even, I will throw it away. If it's odd, I will throw it a way.
Rob's pick for 2/15
At minimum, I've been wearing these shoes for 15 years? I had them in 1999 when I started working at Barns & Nobles at wore them the 7 years there.
I've kept them around as my default brown "good" shoes though the wear and tear makes that description a bit of stretch. If you zoom in enough you can see where Zoe has tried to help the passing but clawing up the toes.
I recently bought I new pair of brown shoes, and in contradiction to my usual habit of just keeping something around because I might wear them"one day", I'm going ahead setting these well worn travelers free.
Besides, now I have somewhere I can put the new ones!
Fate: Trash
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Rob's Pick for 2/14
A nice metal case and the wallet within.
(Yes, I checked for money first)
The back of the case has a stamp from 2003. So I've been carrying this wallet, through 3-4 moves without ever taking it out of the case.
Fate: Goodwill
February 14th
I am more partial to cats with fur, so I don't think I will ever get around to growing this kitty. I believe I originally bought this with the intention of using it as a gag gift for someone, but somehow it ended up in my attic...the place where things go to die.
Friday, February 13, 2015
February 13th
I'm not sure exactly what this thing is, but it reminds me of one of the dementors from Harry Potter. I actually think it was part of a set of Halloween decorations that I owned at one time. I seem to have missed the holiday decorating gene that my mom has, because I generally find it to be too much work to dig things out of the attic for a day or even a week.
Rob's pick for 2/13
Every year for Christmas, I get a a few random t-shirts from 6 Dollar Shirts.
Literally random.
You can put in your size, male/female cut and pay them and a few days later you get a random shirt.
Some have been super cool (A Star Wars "Support the Troops") some have been super eclectic (A bubblegum pink shirt with "Sweden!" is yellow letters).
This guy is one from this year. Sadly, I just do not have space for all my shirts as is, so he's got to go. It is cool,but not Bubblegum Pink Sweden cool.
Fate: Goodwill
February 12th
I am saying goodbye to this adorable little kitty today. The best part about him is that he roars like a jaguar when you squeeze his torso. I thought about saving him for Dax, but I figure Dax is going to acquire plenty of his own toys over the years. Besides, if I stick the kitty back in the attic where he has been residing, I will probably lose track of him for another five years. The point of this exercise is to get rid of things that I am not using now, not to hoard them because I might, possibly, maybe someday need them or use them again. I have learned over the years that the imaginary day in the future when I will need something almost never comes. And, if it does, I am sure I can find a replacement.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Rob's pick for 2/12
This was from the first 5K I ran. I'm pretty sure I haven't worn it since. Having far more shirts than space, it becomes the next victim of the Great Purge.
Fate: Goodwill
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