Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Rob's Pick for 2/4

First: I am a HUGE fan of Duke Nukem! I cannot stress that enough.

Was this game worth the 15 year build-up and wait? No. It almost couldn't be.

Was it fun and irreverent with a larger-than-life, bombastic hero that was as interested in booze and babes as he was in blasting baddies with the biggest guns he could lay hands on? Hell ya!

So why am I getting rid of it? Well, maybe, somewhere out there is someone that held off picking this  game up because of the reviews. Maybe, this person will see it and be willing to take a chance picking it up used. And maybe this person will have an awesome time chewing gum kicking ass as one of the most over-the-top action heroes ever conceived.

And maybe I have a second copy from a online bundle . . . :)

Fate: Goodwill

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