Thursday, July 30, 2015

Rob's picks for 7/30 and 31

Even more Lego Minifigs leaving via eBay!

A few bucks here and few buck there, I'm slowly trading stuff for cash!

Cash that I'll more than likely use to buy more stuff, BUT hopefully it will be stuff I use rather than sitting in a box for three or four years.

Fate: eBay

Monday, July 27, 2015

July 22nd-26th

Here are a couple more items from my jewelry box, followed by more unnecessary things I found while cleaning the bathroom this weekend.  The glow-in-the-dark skull earings are definitely the toughest give-away from this batch; however, I really don't like wearing them because they are quite heavy, and I have never been a fan of bulky earrings.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Rob's Pick's for 7/26-29

More Lego Minifigs!

I've been busy selling off stuff from my "Get rid of this via eBay" pile! This week I sold the last 3 of the Royal Guard's that I've posted previously along with a Lumberjack (and he's okay):

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

July 16th-21st

It's starting to get tougher and tougher to find things, and I'm only a little over half way. Of course, every time I think I'm tapped out, I manage to find something, and I am still quite determined to succeed at this resolution.

For my latest sacrifices, I have a sweater and two shirts that I have had a hard time parting with even though the sweater and the green shirt both have small holes in them, and I never wear the shirt because I bought it a size too small.  

I am also giving up a pair of maternity shorts that I never wore while I was pregnant with Dax, because I determined that they were too short, so the showed off my cellulite.

Finally, I am giving up two single earrings (I think I was holding onto them in case I stumbled upon their matches again someday) and a pair of gold hoop earrings.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Rob's pick for 7/20 to 7/25

Going to get rid of some of my surplus computer gear this week! most of it has been sitting int he attic for at least a year, most since we moved into the house back in 2009.

One base speaker for a computer. Not sure what happened to the surrounding speakers and this is pretty worthless without them

Fate: Trash (Electronic Disposal)
The back panel for a motherboard that I'm pretty sure I do not have. Note that it has a cut out for a parallel port...

Fate: recycle

Game pad that I don't use (because I have a better one).

Fate:  Trash (Electronic Disposal)
 Old AT Power supply from a computer that I think I was keeping to use to power electronics projects.

Fate: Trash (Electronic Disposal)
 Old keyboard. Old enough I need an adapter to get it to work with the current ancient tech of PS2.

Fate: Trash (Electronic Disposal)
Old wireless router that started to die. I have no idea why I was keeping it around.

Fate: Trash (Electronic Disposal)

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Rob's pick for 7/19

My fishing hat!

Though, i never go fishing, and it is too small to comfortably fit on the melon I have for a head.

Fate: goodwill

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Rob's pick for 7/18

This was given to all Duke Employees the first year I worked there. It is a neat blanket / ground cloth that rolls up into a neat little package for easy traveling.

The fundamental issue is that it is a bit too small for two people to share, so it sits in the attic while Tina  take blankets and large beach towels to fill this role.

Fate: Goodwill

Friday, July 17, 2015

July 13th-15th

Here are three more books for the discard pile.  In the interest of defending my reputation, I don't think I ever actually owned the Nicholas Sparks book, but my mom returned it to me thinking it was mine, so I now feel it is my duty to get rid of it.  

Rob's pick for 7/17

We literally have 3 Christmas stands in the attic. I'm making the executive decision to get rid of at least the smallest/crappy looking one.

Fate: recycle

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Rob's pick for 7/16

Cool (but small) back pack I nabbed from someone leaving Duke.

Fate: Goodwill

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Rob's pick for 7/15

Another random project that is on hiatus...

I wanted the perfect geek multi-tool. Something small, but containing everything a geek would need to tear down a computer or make basic repairs to electronics. So the first thing I did was buy a cheap multi-tool and rip it a part to see how it worked!

Still in a bunch of little parts in a baggy in my desk. :(

Fate: recycle

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Rob's pick for 7/14

This was given to me by a friend to win an argument we were having. Turns out that 22 year old Rob  was wrong and a blinking red light does not mean "yield".

Anyone in Raleigh in 2000 can thank her for making you all a bit safer.

Fate: Recycling

Monday, July 13, 2015

Rob's pick for 7/13

Eh. Of all the metals for races I've received, getting rid of this Carolina blue monstrosity is the easiest. Not sure why I didn't pitch it two years ago.

Fate: Trash

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Rob's picks for 7/8 to 7/12

Cleaning out my desk drawer yielded all sorts of things to get rid of:

 Cool key chain Frisbee launcher, now without any Frisbees!
Fate: trash.
The broken band off the first watch I ever both (the Palm Smartwatch from 1995, take that Apple!)

Fate: Trash
The lens and laser from either a CRW or DVD, not sure which at this point. I'd read some cool instructions on how to get these working but never followed-up.

Fate: Trash
The max this wrench will open in 3/8th in. Not really practical, even for a key chain.

Fate: Recycling
A couple (of broken) minis from a Battletech game.

Fate: Trash

Rob's picks for 7/6 and 7/7

 I like both these shirts but never wear them so I feel it is time to part ways.

This one tries very hard to be a Hawaiian shirt, and  I've worn it several times to the beach and summer parties. the issue is that the print is a bit too dark and the fabric a bit too heavy so I end up sweltering.

Fate: Goodwill

This one has a strange front seem that "tents" out and just looks strange. I spend a good part of the day I were this shirt self consciously trying to smooth it out.

Fate: Goodwill

July 5th-12th

Here is an assortment of items I cleaned out of my bathroom.  I've still go a lot of work to do in this area, but it's a start.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Rob's pick for 7/5

One half used bottle of apple-tini mix. I'm not even really sure when or why I would have bought this.

Obviously it was a while back, the best used date is Jun 24 2006....yuck.

Fate: recycle

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Rob's pick for 7/5

A hacky sack from 1996. It's been a hacky sack, a ferret toy, a stress ball, a cat toy and most recently, a baby toy.

Questionable sanitation aside, it is filled with tiny plastic chips that I'm sure are not great to swallow. That and he managed to spitup all over it and I'm sure I'll never get the smell of sour milk out.

Fate: Trash

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Rob's pick for 7/4

Happy July 4th!

Beer + Linux! You would think this would be something I'd keep!

Nope. 22oz glasses are really not practical for home use so this sits on a shelf.

Fate: Goodwill

July 4th

This hand sanitizer is pretty close to the consistency of water as this point, so I think it needs to go.

Friday, July 3, 2015

June 27th-July 3rd - Catch Up Post!

I have been a bit neligent in my posting lately, so here is my make-up post. 
First I have three more items to purge from my stash of stale running treats.  If I ever take up serious running again, I will have to go shopping. If I tried to eat these, I would just end up contributing to my dentist's vacation home.
The next four items are further purges from my overcrowded dresser and closet.


Rob's pick for 7/3

This is really nice over the should bag I got from a conference back in 2007.

It would be fantastic if I actually use or even like that style bad. Sadly, I do not so it has been sitting in the attic for all these years.

Fate: Goodwill

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Rob's pick for 7/1-2

 Today I'm tossing two pair of shoes.

The first is my first pair of running shoe. I think I racked about 400+ on these things. All of my first races and the training also went into wearing down the soles of these.

Sadly there comes a time when you have to trade in for a pair that still has some traction. :)
I got this pair for an insane 5000+ mile road trip with my younger brother. The very first stop was a place that had a rock formation call "sole rippers" for the damage that it does to to shoes.

These came through just fine through that and the rest of the trip, but that was in 2012, now a few years of added wear and they've given all they can.

Fate: Trash