Monday, July 20, 2015

Rob's pick for 7/20 to 7/25

Going to get rid of some of my surplus computer gear this week! most of it has been sitting int he attic for at least a year, most since we moved into the house back in 2009.

One base speaker for a computer. Not sure what happened to the surrounding speakers and this is pretty worthless without them

Fate: Trash (Electronic Disposal)
The back panel for a motherboard that I'm pretty sure I do not have. Note that it has a cut out for a parallel port...

Fate: recycle

Game pad that I don't use (because I have a better one).

Fate:  Trash (Electronic Disposal)
 Old AT Power supply from a computer that I think I was keeping to use to power electronics projects.

Fate: Trash (Electronic Disposal)
 Old keyboard. Old enough I need an adapter to get it to work with the current ancient tech of PS2.

Fate: Trash (Electronic Disposal)
Old wireless router that started to die. I have no idea why I was keeping it around.

Fate: Trash (Electronic Disposal)

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