Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Rob's pick for 5-3 to 5-6

Catching up from a round of illness at home, I present the following:

 I have no clue as to what this giant brush is for. The previous homeowners left it (apparently they didn't know what it was either) and it has been in my way ever since.

Fate: Recycle
Samples of cat food with my cat's medication built in. All would would have to do is eat it.
She hates it.
So instead I have to corral her twice a day and smear the drugs in her ear.
Fate: Trash
Old bike lock that I do know the code for and have lost the device that allows you to reset the combo lock.

Fate: Trash
 A trio of heavy duty stakes.
At some point in the future, future-Rob is going to desperately three massive stakes to secure a circus tent.
Until that day, I think I'm okay to let these go.

Fate: Recycle

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