Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Rob's pick for 5/26

I've often joked about my wife's extensive t-shirt collection, and to be fair it is spread over 3 drawers...

Mine is a little out of control too, I've already gone through my actual dresser where I keep t-shirts I wear, now I'm starting to go through all the secret nooks and carnies that I've hidden a bunch that I no longer wear but haven't exactly come to peace about getting rid of.

This is one of the newest, an XL I picked up from Dragon Con...10 years ago? 11? 12? Wow. It has been a while. I like the shirt (even if the Latin is a bit broken), but I no longer wear XLs and with a 9 month old, "Carpe Noctem" means making it to 10pm.

Fate: Goodwill

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