Thursday, December 31, 2015

Rob's pick for 12/31

I saved a big one for last. This is the guts of the 2nd computer I built back in 1998-9. Yep, those are nearly 20 year old parts.

Let's take a moment to compare this to my current cell phone (One Plus's One):

CPU: Single processor spec'ed at 300Mhz , overclocked to 450Mhz
RAM: 768 MB

CPU: Quad core spec'ed at 2.5 Ghz (4 times the processes at 5.5 times the speed)
RAM: 3 GB  (Nearly 4 times as much)

And the phone fits in pocket. :)

This is the classic: "I'm saving this for sentimental reasons, maybe one day I'll turn it into a clock or something". Except I haven't, in almost 20 years. At this point there is a whole lot of other stuff that I rather spend time with. So goodbye fair traveller, we downloaded a lot of MP3, spent time waiting for my 33.6 Modem to connect, and played the heck outta some Rogue Squadron. Thanks for all the fun.

Fate: Fondly remembered.

Done! Congrats all!

Well, that was an eye opening Projectrama!

I've tossed/given/sold 365 things over the course of the year (mostly one a day) and haven't missed a thing.

Granted, some things were kinda lame, and I don't think anyone I knew that was doing it kept up the whole time. But still, the important thing was to delve into the nooks and crannies of our home and get rid of things we didn't need that were just hanging round.

Thanks to my lovely wife for the great idea, and for poking me when I got WAY behind to get on the ball. Everyone we have mentioned this project to has thought it was a great idea proving that we all know we have too much cruft in our lives. Tina's great idea has greatly lessened that level junk in our house and spawned several other folks into action.

I will encourage you to try this if you haven't. This coming year, everyday find something to get rid of. It'll be tough, but I doubt at the end of it you will truly miss anything. You will also get a few bonuses: less stuff to keep clean and organized, fewer instances of running across "That Item" that you are not sure what to do with but don't really feel right about getting rid of (Pro Tip: If you no longer have it, you will not have that feeling any longer!)

If you don't want to tackle this, try some other goal for the year. Not the standard NYE resolutions (though most of could stand a little more exercise and little less calories), pick something that is challenging that you will feel GOOD about tackling a little at the time over the next 366 days.

Good luck, and have fun!

Rob's Post for Dec 30

I'm a trackball guy (think upside down mouse). They don't hurt my hand the way that most mice do and act as a low level "keep your hands off my system" as 95% of the population can no more use one than they can drive a manual transmission (Americans at least).

This one the right button died a while back and I replaced it. Why do I still have it? Well, "just in case" I need a spare trackball. Yeah, that's kinda how the packrat mind works.

Fate: Trash

Rob's Post for Dec 29

not even sure where I got this guy, maybe a bonus add-on from ThinkGeek? It's been sitting on a shelf for at least 3 years.

Off to Goodwill!

Rob's post for the 39 days he missed this year...

All this stuff. And more.

Books I've had for years but never read and some that I will never read again (the Dark Tower Series book 2 was  dud for me). And I'm not sure if I will have the time to build an electric car until long after they become readily available).

Chipped coffee mugs, old CDs I'd forgotten existed, supplies to build window screens (easierr at this point to get new windows, they come with screens...).

More clothes? How is that even possible? I thought I'd tossed out at least 2 wardrobe at this point.

39 things that have just been sitting around the house, taking up space and most importantly: not contributing to my life. See ya!

Fate: Trash / Goodwill

Monday, December 28, 2015

Rob's pick for 12/28

This shapeless blob is a pair of PJ bottoms that I think I got last Christmas (...or the one before...).

Anyway, they are super soft if a little big, and totally something I would wear...only I haven't. For whatever reason, they still have the tags from the store.

Fate: Goodwill