Thursday, December 31, 2015

Rob's pick for 12/31

I saved a big one for last. This is the guts of the 2nd computer I built back in 1998-9. Yep, those are nearly 20 year old parts.

Let's take a moment to compare this to my current cell phone (One Plus's One):

CPU: Single processor spec'ed at 300Mhz , overclocked to 450Mhz
RAM: 768 MB

CPU: Quad core spec'ed at 2.5 Ghz (4 times the processes at 5.5 times the speed)
RAM: 3 GB  (Nearly 4 times as much)

And the phone fits in pocket. :)

This is the classic: "I'm saving this for sentimental reasons, maybe one day I'll turn it into a clock or something". Except I haven't, in almost 20 years. At this point there is a whole lot of other stuff that I rather spend time with. So goodbye fair traveller, we downloaded a lot of MP3, spent time waiting for my 33.6 Modem to connect, and played the heck outta some Rogue Squadron. Thanks for all the fun.

Fate: Fondly remembered.

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