Sunday, September 13, 2015

September 4th-13th

This is one of two sets of 5 lbs weights that I have. Since, I don't work out with either set at this point, and I'm not using them as a door stop, I don't think I will miss them.

I know this seems like the wrong season to be getting rid of Halloween decorations, but I know myself well enough to realize that I would not have dug them out of the attic to decorate my house for one day. I have sometimes wished that I was one of those people whose house looked super cute for every holiday, but I just don't have the motivation to do it.  Plus, at this point, with an increasingly mobile one-year-old, it makes no sense to place more breakables in his path.

I think I've soaked up all the information I can from these pregnancy/new baby books. Even if there is something I missed, it is a bit late now.

I honestly enjoyed viewing "Wicked" more than I enjoyed reading the book, so it's not on my re-read list. As for Suze, all I can say is that I definitely have the "courage" to be rich.  In fact, I am downright fearless when it comes to my certainty that I would be great at being rich.  My problem is that I'm lacking the money to be rich.  

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