Sunday, September 6, 2015

August 30th-September 3rd

Preparing for Dax's birthday festivities have kept me pretty busy lately, so I haven't had much time to hunt for items or to post.  Nevertheless, here are a few more assorted give-aways:

The first two are cords that go with my former i-pod.  Since the i-pod is long gone, there is no need to hang on to these.

Next, I have a candle which I rarely, if ever, burn.  Now that I have an on-the-move one-year-old, burning candles just doesn't seem like a good idea.

The third item is the headband I wore for the Turkey Trot last year.  

Finally, I am getting rid of this linen blazer.  It's cute, but it's not something I would typically wear, plus the sleeves are too long on me.

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