Saturday, October 10, 2015

September 30th-October 12th

I am very excited to report that, with this post, I am officially entering the final quarter of this project. Admittedly, I feel like I am losing a little momentum, and it has been hard to find the time to search my home for give-aways and to take the time to post about them, but I refuse to get this close and not follow through.  Overall, I know this practice is having a positive impact on my living environment and has forced me to evaluate why I am keeping things that I will never, ever use.  I can honestly say that I have yet to miss one single item that I have gotten rid of.  In any case, below are my latest sacrifices. Without elaborating on each one this time, I will say that the toughest item to get rid of was my beloved coffee table. However, with a 13 month old running around, it was simply taking up too much space in my family room, so it was time to say goodbye and open up the room a bit more.

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