Monday, November 30, 2015

Rob's pick for 11/8

I guess I can say good bye to the "Pimp my Cubicle" mouse pad.

Ya know, since I'm more of Trackball kind of pimp...

December 11 - 15 - Linda's picks

Durham Rescue Mission donations. 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

November 7th-23rd

I am rapidly approaching the final month of this project, so I decided I desperately needed to play a little catch up today.  Also, poor Dax is sick and had been sleeping most of the day, so I had some extra time to dig through my stuff.  Mid-November's features include an assortment of clothing, some paper maps (who needs those anymore?), a couple of calculators, and a few other odds and ends.  I think the most difficult item to part with from this lot is my Veronica Mars T-shirt.  I received it for supporting the Kickstarter campaign to get the movie made.  Sadly, I ordered it a size too small, so I never wear it.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

October 25th-November 6th

 I've been slacking off a bit lately, but I am getting so close to the end, and I refuse to give up now.  Plus, I have been giving Robert a hard time about being behind for several months, and he just posted 96 items today.

I went back to my favorite spots (the kitchen and my closet) knowing I would find more things that needed to go.  There are also a couple of odd-ball items mixed in with this purge.

Rob's pick for 11/7 (and 96 other days...)

Okay, I fell off the wagon around the start of August. As in, ninety-seven days ago.


As with everything once you get a little behind, catching up with the past seems really hard, especially with the comparative minor pain of adding one more day to be behind. Then it is three months later and your wife is asking you why you quit...

Well, I've not quit! Here is the 96 days that I've missed plus today. A whole stack of books, clothes, computer equipment, kick-knacks and other crap that will be trashed/recycled/given away over the next few days.

Okay, back in the saddle!